When you request a subpoena through Appleby & Company, our team of trained associates review the documents, page-by-page, to ensure the needs of the subpoena are met, as well as…
Category: General
Outsourcing Your File Prep - Save the Stress
The time spent by claims personnel tediously prepping files for service is time you can’t get back. With Appleby & Company, we simplify the way you handle and process your…
Skip the stress & get your records on time with Appleby & Company Litigation & Claims Support
Gaining knowledge on the most common reasons for the rejection of your subpoena or authorization request can help you save time & money. Each custodian is going to have their…
Celebrating 60 Years of Service
When James L. Appleby started out as a Private Investigator in 1958, technology was basic and not serving the industry as efficiently as possible. During this time, Appleby & Company…
Ready, Set, Capture!
How does your organization capture information? Simple question really, or is it? Some employees hand write HR forms, vendors send you invoices in the mail, partners email revised contracts, the…
Announcement - Free Empower Pass Winners!
A couple of weeks ago we sent out a request to our customers to fill out a survey and let us know how Laserfiche has transformed how you do business.…