When you request a subpoena through Appleby & Company, our team of trained associates review the documents, page-by-page, to ensure the needs of the subpoena are met, as well as…
Author: Josh Appleby
Outsourcing Your File Prep - Save the Stress
The time spent by claims personnel tediously prepping files for service is time you can’t get back. With Appleby & Company, we simplify the way you handle and process your…
Skip the stress & get your records on time with Appleby & Company Litigation & Claims Support
Gaining knowledge on the most common reasons for the rejection of your subpoena or authorization request can help you save time & money. Each custodian is going to have their…
Celebrating 60 Years of Service
When James L. Appleby started out as a Private Investigator in 1958, technology was basic and not serving the industry as efficiently as possible. During this time, Appleby & Company…