When you request a subpoena through Appleby & Company, our team of trained associates review the documents, page-by-page, to ensure the needs of the subpoena are met, as well as verify that all patient information matches what is on the request provided, to prevent the spread of incorrect information. In addition to individual page verification, here are some other ways the entire Appleby & Company team are protecting the valuable information we have been trusted with since 1958.
HIPAA Compliance
Each of our employees must complete HIPAA Privacy & Security Training for Business Associates and become HIPAA certified. This is an extra step that we take in our training process to go above and beyond to ensure that each associate, no matter their position, is aware of how crucial it is to protect all information in our database.
PII, PHI Specifications
In addition to HIPAA compliance training, our associates go through training on Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI) to guarantee that the data transmitted to Appleby & Company is held with the highest privacy and security standards.
SOC Qualification
On a yearly basis, Appleby & Company undergoes a SOC Audit, by an independent auditing firm. This audit verifies Appleby & Company’s internal controls for security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy comply with stringently defined standards. It is just one of many quality assurance measures that make Appleby & Company a premier provider of records reproduction, document solutions and investigative services.